The Manifest Infninity Life Extension Foundation
The M.I.L.E. Foundation is a sub-group created by the Meme-Rider Media Team, whose main function is to develop life extension strategies that align with the socio-economic, political, aesthetic and philosophical predilections of the MRMT.
“This includes the transhumanist notion put forth by Timothy Leary of S.M.I.I.L.E. (space migration, increase intelligence and life extension)”…(from the Manifesto)…
Tuttle, phaser…: The secondary objective given the MILEF sub-group is the conception, creation, realization, execution and eventual maintenance of Operation: Passaic Age, which is a technically covert, global, smart media art project set to span 250 million years.
Since 2000, the M.I.L.E. Foundation has mostly been engaged in the aesthetic design of multi-function cryonic suspension devices (such as the a neurosuspension unit that also makes gelato) and the initiation of cryogenic gaming events incorporating FM 2030′s up-winger motto of “optimism-abundance-universalism-immortality”.
Lastly, the tertiary objective of the M.I.L.E. Foundation is transhumanist apologetics, in the short term, with an emphasis on current events and locations. within a contemporary framework. Tut suit…
frozen Headings
The M.I.L.E. Foundation is first and foremost an aesthetically derived organization that works in cooperation with medical life extension organizations. As such, the M.I.L.E. Foundation designs cryonic suspension devices, machines, processes and events as both commissions and interruptions.